Monday, November 8, 2010

Thursday 10/28/10

We woke up at 5:00 am and had breakfast. Magee San made a stir fry with thinly sliced pork and and vegetables. I also scrambled some eggs and it was a great start to a beautiful day.

We caught the train and went to see the Toyota Museum. Toyota was started as a textile manufacturer and later started making cars just prior to 1936. There was a lot of cool stuff there and we got to see a robot that plays the trumpet and some other technology developed by Toyota. Some old classic cars were also on display like a Corona and a Celica.  We later went to see Nagoya Castle. Another great work of art in Japan. And yes of course, we enjoyed soft serve at the snack shop.

The retreat began that evening and we made chicken stew for the men. Most of the team pitched in to help make the stew and it turned out to be a hearty treat.

Pastor Willie Gonzales taught about the cost of discipleship. The message was in line with Pastor Guy's teaching.

We had a small group discussion. From last year (2009 retreat). the men from Japan have been forming small groups and meeting to study the Bible and to fellowship. I suggested that they can also meet to do other activities such as golf, bowling, going to the movies or just out for a meal. The men were open to sharing and discussing. A big change from the previous year. I think a breakthru truly occured since the 2009 mission.

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